
class ga_solver.GASolver(initial_pop, goal, target_value, mutation, prob_mutation, crossover_, selector, selection_rate=0.5, min_select=0, max_steps=0, random_seed=None)

A simple Genetic Algorithm Solver. It accepts an initial population, and several callables to define goal, mutation and crossovers.

  • initial_pop (list) – The elements of the initial population.
  • goal (function) – A function that accepts one member of the population and returns its current value.
  • target_value (numeric) – The value you’re looking for. When the goal(x) for any member x of the population is equal to this, the solution has been found.
  • mutation (function) – A callable that accepts one member of the population and returns a mutated value of that member.
  • prob_mutation (float, 0 <= prob_mutation <= 1)) – The probability of a mutation occur in any individual. Every time that the mutation function is invoked, there’s prob_mutation chance of it actually DOING anything.
  • crossover – (function): A callable that takes 2 arguments that are current solutions and crosses them over, returning a new one
  • selector – (function): A function that receives a dictionary containing the current population and their fitness values and returns one selected individual. Some of the classic selection functions can be found in the pop_selectors submodule
  • selection_rate (float, 0 <= selection_rate <= 1) – the rate of individuals in the current population that will be selected to reproduce and compose the next. Defaults to 0.5
  • min_select (integer, optional) – if set, selector will select at least min_select members of the current population to form the next
  • max_steps (int, optional) – If supplied, the solver will iterate for at most max_steps. The default is 0, which is the value that disable the limit in steps.
  • random_seed (int, optional) – If provided, the seed of Python’s PRNG will be set to this. In practice you _only_ want to set this value when you need reproducible runs. Useful for testing
__init__(initial_pop, goal, target_value, mutation, prob_mutation, crossover_, selector, selection_rate=0.5, min_select=0, max_steps=0, random_seed=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Implementing the iterable protocol. GASolver is an iterable itself!


A solvers len() is its population’s len()


GASolver is an iterable that will execute until a solution is found or, optionally, until a max number of steps is reached. That max number may be defined in the max_steps property.

A step is built as follows:

  1. The current population is selected by the selector function. This will select a fixed selection_rate of the current population and replace it by the selected members
  2. Random couples are selected to reproduce using the crossover function. We select as much couples as needed to replace the size of the population. That is, if selection_rate is 0.3, the previous step will have selected 30% of the original population and we need as much as 70% of the original to restore the original size.
  3. All the selected couples are crossed over and create new siblings
  4. The selected members of the current population and the siblings make the new population
  5. All the population suffers mutation by the mutate function

Returns the individuals with the best fitness value and that value.

crossover(sol_a, sol_b)

Calls the crossover function with the parameters sol_a and sol_b and returns the given sibling


Current state computes the status of the current population by applying the goal function to all of its members


Mutate tries to apply the mutation function, but it actually does anything only a few times, determined by prob_mutation


Runs the entire population through mutate. Note that not _every_ time that mutate is called it actually does anything. Check mutate’s doc for details


Selects a new population using the given selector function. This new population will have

size = ceil(current_population * selection_rate)

If replace is True, the current population will be replaced by the new one.


Returns True if any member of the current population has goal(x) == target_value


Returns the member of the current population where goal(individual) == target_value